Welcome to the Penistone Agricultural Show – Horticulture Section
Click a Class to jump to the details
Closing date: | 6.OOp.m. WED 11th SEPT 2024 |
Class Cards to be collected from the Horticultural Secretary on Show Day unless a S.A.E is provided by the Exhibitor to Mrs. J. Hopson, 14 Windermere Road, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 8HL
Information & Guidance
NOTE: Marquee only accessible from rear by Gate F on show day
JUDGING will begin at 9.45 am. PROMPT
PLEASE NOTE: Will exhibitors please use the tables provided to dress their plants, NOT the show benches.
- The S. Butler Trophy – Best Exhibit in Young Exhibitors Classes.
- The Barrie Fisher Memorial Trophy – Best Geranium in Show.
- The Penistone Urban District Council Silver Cup – Most points in Horticultural Classes. The Littlewood Cup – In Memory of Leslie Andrew Littlewood – Most points in Flower Sections (Classes 49-105). Points awarded 1st – 5 points, 2nd – 3 points, 3rd – 1 point.
- The Jack Buxton Trophy – Best Tray of Vegetables.
- The G. J. Punt Rose Bowl – Best Vegetable Exhibit.
- The Jack and Marion Dilworth Memorial Trophy – Best Exhibit in the whole flower section.
- The C.J.A. Robertshaw Cup – Best Rose in Show.
- The Gladys Stainrod Trophy – Best Vase of Dahlias in Show.
- The John Stones Memorial Cup – Best vase of Spray Chrysanthemums in Show.
- The Beryl Clarke Memorial Shield – Winner of Class 23.
- THE Frank Wagstaff Perpetual Trophy for Best Exhibit in Classes C1 C3 J1 J4 S1 and S4
- Penistone Gardening Club Trophy – Best Harvest Trug/Basket in Show.
- Joseph Oliver Memorial Trophy – Best Cycle of Bloom rose in Show.
- John Clarke Memorial Trophy – Best Fuchsia in Show.
Vegetables Open
National Society Vegetable Judge: | Mr C Bone, Holmfirth |
- 1 Top Tray (see rules and regulations above)
- 2 Potatoes, coloured, four
- 3 Potatoes, white, four. Sponsored by E.B. Price & Son.
- 4 Heaviest potato
- 5 Heaviest marrow.
- 6 Heaviest onion
- 7 Peas, 6
- 8 Beans Dwarf, six
- 9 Beans Runner, six
- 10 Longest, Runner Bean
- 11 Cabbage, Red, one, – to be cut
- 12 Cabbage, White, one, up to 500g – to be cut
- 13 Cabbage, as grown, one (4 guard leaves only).
- 14 Carrots, Long, pointed, one dish of three, tops trimmed to 8cms
- 15 Carrots, Other than long, one dish of three, tops trimmed to 8cms
- 16 Parsnips, dish of two
- 17 Marrow, one.
- 18 Courgettes, two
- 19 Harvest Trug, selection of vegetables
- 20 Cucumber, one.
- 21 Leeks, trench, two.
- 22 Squash, one
- 23 Gourds, two different varieties.
- 24 One cut flower – One vegetable
- 25 Spring Onions, five with roots
- 26 Shallots, six.
- 27 Onions, with fresh green tops and roots, two.
- 28 Onions, from sets, dressed two. Sp by E.B. Price & Son
- 29 Red onions, two
- 30 Garlic, three bulbs
- 31 Sweetcorn, two.
- 32 Beetroot, two, one to be cut
- 33 Tomatoes, one full truss.
- 34 Tomatoes, four
- 35 Tomatoes, small or cherry, six
- 36 Sweet Peppers, two same colour, 2.5cms of stalk attached
- 37 Chillies, five any colour
- 38 Chilli pepper, length of fruit must be over 75mm.
- 39 Knobbliest vegetable
- 40 Culinary Herbs, vase of four varieties
- 41 Any other vegetable, not previously classified, but must be named, otherwise it will not be judged.
- 42 Mini Collection, one of each of four different vegetables, tomatoes barred.
Information & Guidance
Top Tray Rules
The Top Tray Class is for a collection of three types of vegetables taken from the following list of eight. The quantity of each vegetable required for each collection is given in brackets and each type must consist of the same variety:
Carrots(3), Cauliflower(2), Onions(3), Parsnips(3), Peas(6 pods), Potatoes(3), Runner Beans(6 pods), Tomatoes(6).
Each Type of vegetable will be judged out of a total of 20 points. This is split into three sections as follows :
7 points for size, shape and colour: 7 points for condition: 6 points for uniformity. The overall mark will be out of a total of 60.
All vegetables to be displayed for effect. The vegetables must be displayed within an area measuring 18in x 24in (45cm x 60cm), without bending any part of them. No part of any exhibit may exceed the size of the tray. A tray or board measuring 18in x 24in (45cm x 60cm) can be used to display the vegetables, or the area can simply be marked on the staging. Where a tray has a lip or edge, it is the internal measurements that must not exceed 18in x 24in (45cm x 60cm).
A black cloth is permitted, and the tray may be painted. Parsley is allowed for garnishing, but no other foliage or accessories, such as plates, sand, rings and so on, will be allowed. Onion tops may be tied or whipped using raffia or string.
Notes for exhibitors and judges
* Carrots and Parsnips must have foliage trimmed back to 3in(7.5cm)
* Peas and beans must be shown with some stalk attached.
* The tray, board or staging must not be cut or mutilated in any way at all – such as cutting holes to stand onions in.
* Judges should use their discretion when judging this class, remembering that entries may come from inexperienced exhibitors.
* The points awarded should be clearly marked by the judges on the exhibitors’ cards.
* Any queries that may arise regarding anything other than these rules, will be decided by the Show Officials.
* Failure to abide by these rules may lead to disqualification.
Class 1 proudly sponsored by Howard & Co
Judge: | Mr Chris Bone, Holmfirth |
- 43 Grapes, any colour
- 44 Apples, dessert, one dish of 3.
- 45 Apples, cooking, one dish of 3.
- 46 Pears, dessert, one dish of 3.
- 47 Plums, dessert, one dish of 3.
- 48 Raspberries, one dish of 6.
- 49 Rhubarb, three sticks, without leaves.
- 50 Harvest Trug/basket of fruits, may contain leaves.
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Flowers Open
Judge: | Mr B Schofield |
- 51 Vase of Flowers, not less than three kinds
- 52 One Flower, any variety, to be judged for perfume only
- 53 Carnations, vase of five.
- 54 Gladiolus, one spike
- 55 Gladiolus, two spikes
- 56 Marigolds, stand of six
- 57 Pansies, stand of six
- 58 Sweet Peas, vase of six.
- 59 Chrysanthemum spray, one stem.
- 60 Chrysanthemums, three stems. Sponsored by David Wilkinson
- 61 Lady’s spray
- 62 Gent’s buttonhole
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Roses Open
Judge: | Mr B Schofield |
Only one exhibit, per exhibitor in all classes
- 63 Rose, one. Specimen, any variety.
- 64 Roses, Cycle of Bloom.
- 65 Roses, vase of three, Large Flowered (HT) any variety
- 66 Roses Floribunda, three stems, any variety
- 67 Roses Floribunda, five stems, any variety
- 68 Vase 1 stem of Cluster Flowered Roses (Floribunda)
- 69 Vase 6 stems of LF Roses, I or more varieties
- 70 Vase 1 Specimen Miniature Rose, any variety
- 71 Vase, 3 single HT Blooms Miniature Roses, 1 or more varieties
- 72 Box of 6 specimen Blooms, Miniature Roses HT type, any variety
- 73 A Palette, 7 fully open Miniature Rose Blooms, distinct varieties
- 74 Roses, Miniature, 3 stems, any variety
- 75 Vase of Miniature Roses, any type any number, frontal view
Information & Guidance
Only one exhibit, per exhibitor in all classes
Judge: | Mr B Schofield |
76 Dahlia decorative, Large/Giant, min size 200mm 8” diameter,one.
77 Dahlia cactus, Large/Giant, min size 200mm 8” diameter,one.
78 Dahlia Decorative, medium/small, three blooms, any variety.
79 Dahlia Cactus/semi cactus, medium/small, three blooms, any variety.
80 Dahlia Waterlily/Collerette, five blooms, any variety.
81 Dahlia Pompom, three any variety.
82 Dahlia mixed, five blooms, any variety, excluding giants.
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Pot Plants Open
Judge: | Mr B Schofield |
83 Begonia, Foliage Variety, any size pot
84 Begonia, Tuberous Flowering, any size pot
85 Snake plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue), any size pot
86 Coleus, any size pot pot.
87 Pot plant in Bloom, any size pot
88 Foliage pot Plant, any size pot.
89 Cactus, any size pot.
90 Succulent, one, any size pot
91 Cacti and Succulent Garden, max 30cms pot.
92 Bonsai tree, any size pot.
93 Grasses or sedges, any size pot
94 Perennial Asters, any size pot.
95 Geranium, Zonal Variety – Sponsored by Mr Phil Evans
96 Geranium, any variety – Sponsored by Mr Phil Evans
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
The use of saucers to stand all pot plants in, is recommended.
Fuchsia Section Open
Judge: | Mr Brian Schofield |
97 One pot, any cultivar, bush or shrub.
98 One pot, single/semi double cultivar.
99 One pot, Triphylla Type.
100 One hanging pot of Fuchsia, one or more plants, not to exceed 25cms.
101 Fuchsia, six single flower heads, displayed on board.
102 Fuchsia, six double flower heads, displayed on board.
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
All classes sponsored by Paula Clegg in memory of Michael and Frank Clegg
Sponsored by David Gallagher in memory of Sean & Ann Gallagher and John & Beryl Clarke.
Adults Novelty Section
Judge: | Mr Chris Bone |
103 Miniature Garden/Allotment not to exceed 20” by 20”
104 Fruit and/or vegetable sculpture/animal/bird.
105 Carved/decorated, squash, melon or pumpkin.
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Young Exhibitors SENIOR Section
Aged 12 and Under 16 on Show Day
Please state child's age on entry form.
Judge: | Mr Chris Bone |
S1 Miniature garden/allotment, not to exceed 40cms by 40cms.
S2 Fruit and/or vegetable creature
S3 Courgettes 3
S4 Runner beans 6
S5 Flowers in a vase
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Children’s section sponsored in memory of Barbara Judge.
Rosettes: Awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Note: All rules apply to this Section as well
Proudly sponsored by Barnsely College
Young Exhibitors JUNIOR Section
Aged 7 to 11 on Show Day
Please state child's age on entry form.
Judge: | Mr Chris Bone |
J1 Miniature garden, not to exceed 40cms by 40cms.
J2 Courgettes, dish of three
J3 Flowers in a jug
J4 Fruit and/or vegetable animal
J5 Miniature scarecrow, max 20cms tall.
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Children’s section sponsored in memory of Barbara Judge.
Rosettes: Awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Note: All rules apply to this Section as well
Young Exhibitors CHILDREN'S Section
Aged 6 & Under on Show Day
Please state child's age on entry form.
Judge: | Mr Chris Bone |
C1 Mr/Mrs Potato Head, using a real potato
C2 Blackberries, five.
C3 Fruit and/or veg farm animal
C4 Wild flowers in a mug
C5 Cress head, using a vegetable.
Information & Guidance
See General Information & Guidance at top of page (if relevant)
Children’s section sponsored in memory of Barbara Judge.
Rosettes: Awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Note: All rules apply to this Section as well