Craft Stalls Application Form

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  • Applications are invited from craft exhibitors for space in the Craft Marquee at the 2025 Penistone Show.
    Penistone Show is one of the largest one-day shows in the country and regularly attracts crowds into the teens of thousands. The Craft Marquee is always a very popular attraction and, rain or shine, invariably throngs with visitors througout the day.
    The Craft Marquee aims to provide a showcase for the work of artisans selling decorative or practical objects made by hand. If, as usual, the number of applications exceeds the space available priority will be given to those from local craftspeople exhibiting original creative work they have produced themselves.
    Prospective exhbitors should complete and submit the online application form below. Enquiries or queries are welcomed. Please contact the Craft Secretaries by email (
  • Key Dates

  • 1. The closing date for the receipt of applications is Friday, 6th June, 2025
    2. Successful applicants will be notified no later than Monday, 16th June, 2025.
    3. Booking forms and remittance to be submitted by successful applicants by Saturday, 5th July, 2025.

  • Guidance For Craft Traders

  • 1) The Craft Marquee provides a showcase for original craft work of a decorative or practical nature. Traders selling commercially-made or manufactured work produced by others for resale are advised to apply for a Trade Stand.
    2) Stallholders will be provided with a 3m x 2m pitch, a trestle table and two chairs at a cost of £83.00. Additional tables can be hired for £14.00 each.
    3) Traders will be provided with one car parking place on the showground adjacent to the Craft Marquee and two admission passes. Additional vehicles must be parked in the Trade Stand car park away from the showground. Extra admission tickets can be purchased at discounted advance prices.
    4) All traders are required to have valid public liability insurance.
    5) No food or drink may be sold in the Craft Marquee and no hospitality may be provided.
    6) Stallholders are required to be in place no later than 0800 hrs on Show Day.
    7) No vehicle movements are allowed on or off the showground between 0830hrs and 1700hrs on Show Day.
    8) The sub-letting of space is not permitted.
    9) Traders will be allowed into the Craft Marquee from Friday, 13th September. Twenty four hour security will be in place on the showground.
    10) All stallholders must abide by the rules and regulations of Penistone Show Society and comply with Stewards’ directions at all times.