2021 Tickets on sale 11th July!


2021 Tickets on sale 11th July!

We are pleased to be able to start selling show day tickets from Sunday 11 th July.

Despite the fact that we are coming out of Lockdown and on the advice of the Local Authority, we only have a strictly limited number of tickets for sale this year. And so once
they’ve gone, they’ve gone. All show day tickets are only available online and need to be purchased in advance of show day.

Our plans will be reviewed regularly as we are adhering to the latest Government Guidelines and working closely with our local Barnsley Council.

We are so looking forward to holding our event again in our local community. We have all missed it as much as you have. Thank you for your continued support and well wishes during the pandemic.

Thank you from all at the Committee for the Penistone Agricultural Show

Any questions should please be directed to show.secretary@penistoneshow.com